Coffee Beans Extract Organic

Coffee Beans Extract Organic


(€7.90 5 ml)

Stimulates blood circulation. Ideal for skin tightening and wrinkle reduction.

Food Grade


Latin name: Coffea Arabica

Plant parts distilled: Fruits

Basic properties: Coffee essential oil is widely used in anti-cellulite products. It is considered a great antioxidant and antidepressant and is used for fever, nausea and bites.

It improves the health of the skin as it protects against the destructive activity of free radicals, genetic degeneration and sunburn due to the high content of fatty acids, sterols, and vitamin E.

Caffeine stimulates blood circulation, resulting in tightening of the skin and wrinkle reduction. It therefore makes a great ingredient to use in anti-cellulite products, face creams and face masks.

Also, the oil of coffee beans is especially used in hair care where the root of the hair is strengthened and stimulated.

Topical application of coffee essential oil can provide relief from joint pain and muscle strain by increasing blood circulation, relaxing muscles and speeding up the healing process.

As it contains antioxidant elements that reduce oxidative stress and improve blood circulation, it can overall help in the management or even prevention against chronic diseases and infections.

Inhaling Coffee essential oils can help decongest a stuffy nose and improve your respiratory functions.

Also, the powerful anti-inflammatory components contained in coffee essential oil help prevent against respiratory tract infections while providing relief from infections associated with the flu, coughs, and colds.

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